Dive In

We're diving in head first

We take a unique approach to ocean cleanup. As where beach cleanups serve a noble purpose and are invaluable in keeping our coastline pristine, Revive Dive goes deeper, removing the refuse that we can’t see and is most difficult to reach. Not only does this effort preserve the underwater ecosystems along our coasts, it also prevents much of that refuse from eventually washing ashore making the jobs of our beach clean-up partners a little easier. We saw a unique opportunity to fill a gap in the coastal cleanup system and dove in. We aim to achieve this goal through education, volunteerism, and offering community service opportunities to at-risk youth and adults looking for a second chance; bettering themselves while bettering their community. 

The Five D's of Diving

Dive - Learn the fundamentals of diving enabling you to be a key member of the cleanup efforts.

Donate - Not interested in diving or don't have the time to dedicate but still want to help cleanup our coastline? Donations are a great way to help out!

Delve - Harness your sense of adventure and exploration while aiding your community.

Dispose - Help not only your community but the planet by helping to rid our ocean of trash.

Dive - Meet others that care about protecting our environment and have a great time doing it!

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